Back WoRX

  • Massage Therapists
6220 Manatee Ave W.
Suite 103
Bradenton, FL 34209
(941) 981-0880
Tuesday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • About

    Our accomplished team consist of extensively trained and licensed professionals specializing in medical massage.

    Many people suffer from chronic neck pain, low back pain, or acute injuries, often finding that traditional treatments only provide temporary relief. At The Back WoRX, we focus on identifying the root cause of your discomfort, which is often linked to muscle imbalances or soft tissue strain elsewhere in the body.

    Our approach is simple: where you feel pain and where it starts are usually different. By addressing the underlying issues, whether it’s muscle tension, injury recovery, or post-surgery pain, we provide comprehensive care for long-lasting relief. The Back WoRX specializes in solving chronic pain and stress-related tension, helping you regain your range of motion, strength, and flexibility with no additional pressure.

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